
40: How neurotransmitters affect sleep

40: How neurotransmitters affect sleep

You need the right amount of neurotransmitters to feel and sleep well.

Neurotransmitter deficiencies happen when your gut isn't healthy and your brain isn't healthy.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The most important neurotransmitters for sleep
  • What causes deficiencies in neurotransmitters
  • How to improve neurotransmitter levels so you can feel great and sleep well

If you have symptoms of neurotransmitter deficiencies and you want to correct it so you can sleep well, let’s chat. We’ll talk about what’s going on with your sleep and your health and the simple steps to restore your health so you can sleep normally.

Learn how your gut affects your sleep and how to heal your gut in my webinar June 14th at 11am MDT. Register here to join on Zoom and get the replay.

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