Insomnia Insight program

Lab testing to pinpoint why you can't sleep 

& a plan to SLEEP BETTER asap

with Martha Lewis, the Sleep Detective™

Sleep should be easy!

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Or staying asleep?

Are you frustrated because you've tried what seems like everything and you still can't sleep?

Are you just surviving every day and not able to enjoy your life because you're so tired?

Find out what's really causing your insomnia so you can finally sleep!

No one should have to live with insomnia!

Martha Lewis,

The Sleep Detective™️

Hi, I'm Martha Lewis, 

The Sleep Detective™️ & certified Functional  Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner

I know how much it sucks to not be able to sleep. struggled with insomnia for 2 years and I was exhausted and frustrated and it affected my entire life!

I finally discovered that I had hormone imbalance, food sensitivities, heavy metals, and a parasite that were causing my insomnia. I corrected those and now I sleep great. This is possible for you, too!

If you can't sleep,

your body isn't healthy!

Even if you eat healthy, exercise and care about your health.

So the key to overcoming insomnia is to use lab testing to find what's out of whack in your body.

By using the science of lab testing, the Insomnia Insight program is guaranteed to find why you can't sleep!

You'll get:

Better health based on lab tests & assessments

so we know exactly what imbalances are affecting your sleep.

A personalized diet and supplement plan

for your body's specific needs.

A private session

to get your questions answered.

Training on the essentials of good sleep

that you can get started on right away.

Jesse P.

"Martha's process is advanced, methodical and customized, and she really cares and listens and integrates overall health and wellness. I'm sleeping better than I have in years. I'm grateful to be her client!"

David D.

"The sleep is really improving. Perhaps equally important is that my body is just feeling more healthy. I am definitely tired at night when it's time to go to bed. I fall asleep relatively quickly...Keep in mind, this is without any pharmaceuticals."

Emily B.

Right from the start your program helped me to sleep. The lab tests legitimately found the imbalances in my body which were causing my sleep issues so I was able to keep improving."

This program  is for you if:

You want to know why you can't sleep using the science of lab testing.
Your main complaint is insomnia (and foggy thinking, low mood and tiredness from not sleeping) and you don't have any other health issues.
You want recommendations to correct the imbalances in your body that are affecting your sleep.
You don't need or want coaching, accountability and support and can implement the suggested changes on your own.
You live (almost) anywhere in the world.
You're ready to invest in better sleep and health. 

This program  is NOT for you if:

You want a quick and easy fix. (There is no such thing!)
You have many other symptoms and have been diagnosed with other diseases and disorders. 
You're sensitive to supplements and you'll need to experiment and introduce them slowly.
You want or need accountability and support to make changes and add supplements.
You want a coach to help with anxiety, depression or trauma that are affecting your sleep.
You want a guaranteed fastest, most effective path to better sleep. 

If any of the above apply to you, you need the Complete Sleep Solution program to work on fully restoring your health instead.

Start your journey to better sleep!

The Insomnia Insight program includes:

4 Lab Tests

4 lab tests you take from home to find out exactly what's going on in your body and why you can't sleep.

1.The DUTCH test is a comprehensive dried urine hormone test that shows what’s going on with your sex hormones, cortisol pattern, liver function, melatonin, and more.

2.The GI Map tells us what’s living in your gut: parasites, bacterial overgrowth and/ or candida. This is a common cause of insomnia since those creatures are nocturnal. This test also shows how well you're digesting food, how strong your immune system is, and gives an overall snapshot of your gut health.

3.We do the Neuro Focus Panel to look at 7 key neurotransmitters so we can support any deficiencies or excessed and get you sleeping better as soon as possible.

4.The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis shows minerals and heavy metals and gives clues about how well your adrenals, thyroid, blood sugar system and more are working.

Test Results 

Once your test results come in (which takes about 3-4 weeks), we'll send you a video and a handout explaining your test results.

Personalized Plan

In the video with your results, you'll also get a personalized protocol of diet and supplement recommendations to improve your sleep right away

Private Session

After we send your recommendations, you can schedule a 30 minute session to get answers to any questions you may have.

Sleep Essentials Training

Modules (short and to the point) about optimizing your diet, balancing blood sugar, and more so you can start improving your sleep as soon as you sign up.

20% Off Supplements 

I use Fullscript, an online dispensary of high-quality supplements, to recommend most products for my clients. You receive 20% off as part of the Insomnia Insight program.

Credit towards the Complete Sleep Solution program

Use your investment as credit for the Complete Sleep Solution program if you want to upgrade so you can get the support you need to restore your health and sleep better permanently. 

Better Sleep

and Health!


Plus these amazing


(Modules with handouts and videos available as soon as you sign up!)

What to do when you can't sleep                   

How to calm your nervous system                 

How to nap without ruining your sleep at night

How to exercise for optimal sleep  

How to minimize toxins and support your liver  

How stress and cortisol sabotage sleep    

No more guessing!

Get to the root

of why you can't sleep

Possible side effects include:

Falling asleep faster

Staying asleep

Getting better quality sleep

Feeling calmer

Having more energy

Feeling more rested

Better mood

How it works

Take the tests and assessments.

You take the lab tests in the comfort of your home and send them back to the labs in prepaid envelopes. 

I'll also send you a questionnaire to fill out about your sleep and health history, a genetics questionnaire, and a food and beverage log so we know what to recommend.

Start accessing the trainings and bonuses

so you can improve your sleep asap.

Get your customized plan and your questions answered.

We'll send you an explanation of your test results and a 90-day plan. Then you can schedule a session if you have any questions to ensure you are on the right path to restore your health so that your sleep improves naturally and permanently.

Sleep and feel better!

The Insomnia Insight program



(*14-month interest-free financing available through Advance Care Card)

You don't have to live with insomnia anymore!

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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed on this site and by Martha Lewis and guests are published for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. Please consult a local physician or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns. Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. Martha Lewis provides information based on her thorough education and encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this website. Information provided on this website and the use by you of any products or services referenced on this website DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Martha Lewis. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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