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Grab the FREE CHECKLIST to find out why you can't sleep.

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The Why You Can't Sleep Checklist

Based on the Why You Can't Sleep podcast

So you can be a Smart Sleeper

And find out what's keeping you awake!

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Martha Lewis

The Sleep Detective™️

HI, I'm Martha Lewis, 

I was where you are not too long ago. I had tried almost everything and nothing helped when I struggled with insomnia for 2 years.

Then I discovered the root causes of my sleep issues using functional lab testing. I found out that I had hormone imbalance, heavy metals, food sensitivities and a parasite that were causing my insomnia! I corrected those and now I sleep great. 

I became a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner and founded The Sleep Detective to help you so that you can permanently sleep well, too!

My team and I will find out exactly what’s keeping you awake at night and tell you how to fix it so you can consistently sleep 7+ hours uninterrupted!

No one should have to live with insomnia!

You can sleep well!

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